
Inaugural Blog

Welcome to the inaugural blog for the Latina Healing Institute! We are so glad you are here as we joyfully invite you to start or continue your healing journey. 

It is no accident that you are here.  The fact that you are reading these words means it is highly likely you and your journey are the product of roughly 530 years since the conquests started.  That’s roughly 15 generations of ancestors which include:

2 biological parents

4 grandparents

8 great-grandparents

16 2d great-grandparents

32 3d great-grandparents

64 4th great-grandparents

128 5th great-grandparents…

512 7th great-grandparents…

…..all the way back to….

32,768 13th great-grandparents since Christopher Columbus arrived to the new world. 

Read that again: 32,768!

You are here, because these ancestors survived conquest, famine, traversing the ocean, genocide, plagues, and slavery.  And in the midst of suffering, they stole moments of dignity, joy, laughter, dreaming of a better life…and they prayed for you.  Whether that prayer was to God or an utterance made to passing the wind, they all hoped and conceived dreams of a better life for themselves and their children. And you, hermana, are the answer to their prayers. And now it’s your turn.

“We own the pen to this story. It’s us! And our ancestors gave us the pen, and we are writing this chapter.  What’s it going to say? What little moments will you be proud of?  More importantly, what will we leave for those after us to be proud of? …Your test is your testimony.  Just a chapter in the story.  What does this chapter say about you?” – Robin Arzón

Whatever unfinished sentence you’re staring at as you write your story, we want you to know that you are your own best healer.  Underneath whatever you’re going through right now is the ability to reach back through those generations and look within yourself to find the freedom, peace, and magnificent joy you seek.  And if you are struggling today feeling like you don’t know where to start or can’t possibly see how the healing will come, remember Day 1 is never an easy place to be.  Do NOT sink into defeat and disrespect your “Day 1” effort. 

Bienvenidas to the beginning of healing for Latinas all over the globe as we come together to share stories and tools in community.  As we build it with diligent and loving hands, we know our vulnerability and honesty in our own experiences will invariably give you each permission to honor your story.  The essence of your ancestors cheers you on, celebrates you, and is so proud of you.  And so are we. 

You are worthy,


If you’re inspired by Robin’s words, they are borrowed from her “In The Heights” ride on the Peloton app.  Bring your heritage flag(s), get lost in the music, and leave all your fears on the floor as you honor your body for what it’s capable of.  If you don’t have access to Peloton, hop on a random bike or go for a walk and check out this Latina Healing Institute “In The Heights” playlist for a fun 30 minute opportunity to honor your body through movement.

Song list (“In The Heights” Soundtrack):

“In The Heights”

“No Me Diga”




“Carnaval del Barrio”

“Paciencia y Fe”

Art credit: Natasha Sazonova at www.familytreeforyou.com

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